1 May I keep pets at Altamira?
The terms of the lease preclude the keeping of any pets at Altamira. There was an exception granted when Altamira Estate Ltd bought the freehold and found that a number of CATS had been quietly imported in contravention of the lease. Rather than order their removal it was agreed that these would be documented and not replaced. A procedure is in place for exceptions for the cats, and this has been set out in a letter to owners: https://altamiratopsham.org/pet-consent-letter. The exception does not apply to any other pets.
2 I would like to install cavity wall insulation. Do I need permission, or is this installation the responsibility of the freeholder?
The Board of Altamira Estate Ltd (the freeholder) does not approve the installation of cavity wall insulation. Flat owners who carry out this work do so at their own risk and the remedy of any faults or problems that arise from the work will be the responsibility of the owner(s) of the flat(s) where this insulation has been installed. There is fuller information on the website under House Rules – https://altamiratopsham.org/house-rules
3 I have damp/mould in my flat. What do I do?
Damp and mould have been found in the vast majority of cases to be caused by lifestyle practices, such as drying washing in unventilated, unheated rooms; wet bathrooms; etc. There is available on the website a questionnaire outlining the initial remedies that will answer the problem in most cases. If problems continue it should be reported to the Property Manager at Eaton Terry Clark, the managing agents for Altamira. For full details see here: https://altamiratopsham.org/damp-and-mould