Pembroke House
Torquay Road
T 01803 668730
F 01803 668731
Property Managers
All Owners
Re Altamira Estates Limited
Pet Consent
As you will all be aware, the leases to the properties at Altamira contain several clauses, which prohibit certain activities.
One such clause in particular prohibits the keeping of “animals” at Altamira. When the freehold was purchased on behalf of the leaseholders, the Board continued with the then current situation, i.e whilst the keeping of dogs at properties at Altamira was not to be tolerated, concessions were granted for the keeping of cats and housebound pets.
Historically, this consent has been informal but as part of the on-going management of the estate, the Board of Altamira Estate Limited has decided to formalise these concessions.
The objective of the Board is to proactively manage the number of pets living at the estate (be they cats or other housebound pets) so that all residents, including tenants, can enjoy life on the estate as far as practically possible within the ambit of the lease.
To this end, with effect from 1 January 2017 all existing pet owners, including the owners of cats, must apply to Blenheims (the Managing Agents for the estate) in writing, with a picture of the said pet, requesting formal consent to keep this pet. Consent will be considered on a case by case basis and, if granted, issued in writing specifically for the particular pet for which consent has been requested. This applies both to resident owners and to owners, who let out their flats, on behalf of their tenants.
Should resident owners wish to bring a new cat or housebound pet to live at Altamira, request for consent, in accordance with the procedure detailed above, should be sought prior to the animal living at the estate.
Owners who let their properties please note that if a new potential tenant wants to have a cat or housebound pet, consent should be sought prior to commencement of tenancy. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that this procedure is complied with. Owners who use the “tenant find” service of a letting agent should provide them with clear instructions to this effect. The Board will be sending a copy of this letter to the Topsham letting agents.
Having said that, the Board does not anticipate that consent requests will be received from owners who let out their flats on behalf of new tenants, as the Board assumes that all tenancy agreements contain a clause prohibiting the keeping of pets, in compliance with the lease. Again, the Board assumes that any letting agents involved will be instructed accordingly. For existing tenants, consent can be requested in accordance with the procedure detailed above.
For completeness, potential new owners will be advised of the consent requirements for cats and housebound pets prior to purchase. To ensure that this information is provided to conveyancing solicitors as part of the sale/purchase process, the information provided by Blenheims within this process will be amended accordingly.
Please contact me directly if you have any questions. I look forward to receiving applications for consent together with a photograph prior to 1 January 2017.
Yours sincerely
For and on behalf of Altamira Estate Limited
Mark Gobby MIRPM
Senior Property Manager
Administrator: Francesca Wickett, Direct Line: 01803 668 768,
Enc. Consent request form