The subject of parking on the pavements at Altamira was brought up at the last AGM and discussed fairly thoroughly, with views put forward by those who agreed with the practice, and those who did not. It was decided that the Board would research and discuss the matter and report back.
The road within Altamira is adopted by Devon County Council and, just as in any other adopted road, we have no authority to request people to park in any particular manner. However, it is an offence to park on the pavements in such a way as to block the passage of pedestrians, including wheelchair users, mobility scooters, baby buggies, guide dogs, etc. If pedestrians are inconvenienced in this way, they can ring the police on 101 for them to take action. By way of information, DCC does have an online reporting system to monitor the problem generally.
We hope this helps and that people will be aware of pedestrians’ safety and convenience when parking.